We are pleased to have assisted Aldi UK meet the target of opening their new store today in Lutterworth, Leicestershire.

Our teams have been working closely with Aldi’s team throughout the planning process. We initially provided Transport Planning input for the new retail store, car park, access junction, and pedestrian & cycle route improvements.

Having secured planning approval, we produced the detailed design drawings of the new access junction. We also designed the off-site pedestrian & cycle improvements, securing technical approval through the Section 278 process.

During the construction period we undertook management of the highway works, alongside the highway contractor Danaher & Walsh.

This required the treatment of very poor ground around the new junction to make it suitable for use.

The scheme involved improvements to the parapets of a nearby road bridge to meet the standards for use by cyclists.

We also undertook remediation works to the existing highway drainage system before connecting the drainage of the new highway.

Connect Consultants Aldi Lutterworth access junction
Connect Consultants Aldi Lutterworth cycle route improvements