We were called upon to provide our expertise to help overcome some highway objections about a proposed residential development in Wiltshire. Needless to say, we succeeded.

The applicant had already submitted a planning application to construct a new house alongside their own house in a village near Salisbury. Their plans showed a sufficient amount of parking for both houses, using their existing driveway to access the proposed new house and a new access for the original house.

The Local Highway Authority objected to the proposed development because they were concerned that there was not good enough visibility from the proposed new access and that there would not be enough space to turn on site.

We were instructed to help overcome these objections, which we did by working with the applicant and their planning consultant Atlas Planning Group to design a new layout for the front of the development. Our Design Team designed a centrally-located shared driveway to access the parking spaces for each house. Not only did this solution open-up the visibility on to the main road, but it also provides enough space within the site for cars to turn.

The amended layout was submitted to the Council along with an accompanying report which our Planning Team produced to set out the details of the improvements and to make the case that the proposed development should now be acceptable.

We are delighted that our input led to the Highway Authority removing their objection, and planning permission was subsequently granted.