Taco Bell is to open its newest drive-thru restaurant in Canterbury, having been supported through planning by our team at Connect Consultants.

The drive-thru will be part of a wider redevelopment of a former water works site on Sturry Road, which includes a self-storage facility and five trade-counter units.

We were first engaged on this site by Glenbeigh Developments Limited in 2008 to support an outline planning application for a trade park. We helped to secure outline planning approval for that trade park, which allowed a mix of uses including retail and first-floor office space.

Our Planning Team produced the Transport Statement for the planning application, while the Design Team designed the approved new access junction to incorporate widening the footway and cycleway on Sturry Road.

We more recently worked on the reserved matters planning application with Mountford Piggott architects and RPS planning consultants.

This was for a slightly different scheme from the outline approval; to include the Taco Bell drive-thru restaurant and a variation of the trade-counter units.

We again produced a Transport Statement to support the reserved matters application, providing the traffic analysis and evidence to demonstrate that the new proposal would be acceptable when compared to the traffic associated with the outline approval.

We also produced a Travel Plan for the development site to provide a framework strategy to promote sustainable travel to the development by its employees and visitors.

Our Design Team has been engaged throughout the process, advising the project team on site layout and swept path tracking, and working with Kent County Council Highways through the detailed design stage, successfully securing Section 278 technical approval for the new access junction.

Taco Bell plans to be open for business in spring 2023.