Leisure Development
Planning application: Expansion and improvements to play facilities tourist attraction.
Local Planning Authority: Harrogate Borough Council.
Highway Authority: North Yorkshire County Council.
Outcome: Approved.
Connect Consultants worked alongside Corstorphine & Wright Architects on an exciting project to expand and diversify the existing attractions at Stockeld Park in Wetherby.
The team prepared a planning application for an indoor play facility of approximately 1,860 sq.m. The proposals sought to make the adventure park more sustainable over varying weather conditions by offering an alternative array of indoor installations and attractions.
Connect produced a Transport Statement, which used existing traffic survey data and footfall information to predict the seasonal impacts that could result from traffic associated with the proposed development.
The Transport Statement was accepted by the Local Highway Authority, and it was agreed that the predicted traffic effect could be accommodated within the existing highway and transport infrastructure. Planning permission was granted by Harrogate Borough Council.