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What is a Transport Assessment?

A Transport Assessment is used to assess the likely effects of a proposed development on the transport network, and is required at the planning application stage for all new developments that may generate significant amounts of movement.

What is a Transport Statement?

Transport Statements are a simplified version of a Transport Assessment for developments where it is agreed that the transport issues are limited.

This is set out in the National Planning Policy Framework, and more detailed guidance on both types of report is provided within the Planning Practice Guidance.

Both Transport Assessments (commonly known as TAs) and Transport Statements (commonly known as TSs) consider the volume of trips made by different modes of travel, and assess the suitability of the development site and the local transport infrastructure to handle any resultant increase. Transport Assessments will typically include detailed analysis of traffic flows, and computer modelling of road networks and junctions.

If necessary, mitigation measures are then identified to control or mitigate impacts from the proposed development. 

Mitigation measures should be centered on promoting sustainable development by promoting sustainable travel such as walking, cycling and public transport.  

Often, Transport Assessments are accompanied by Travel Plan to help integrate sustainable travel into the planning process.

For smaller-scale developments, where a full Transport Assessment is not required, a Transport Statement is produced. A Transport Statement is a lighter-weight version of the Transport Assessment, and sets out the traffic and transport context in relation to the development proposals, and considers how the proposed development can be suitably accommodated within the local transport network.

How Can Connect Consultants Help?

Connect Consultants’ Transport Planning Team has an excellent track-record of producing Transport Assessments and Statements for a wide range of development types and sizes. Our team of experts is experienced in producing high-quality analysis and assessments, and at negotiating with the authorities to reach the optimum solution. We identify and design cost-effective mitigation measures which are viable, effective, and deliverable.

We believe in fostering good working relationships with every highway authority that we work with, to ensure that the outcome of each and every project is mutually beneficial.

On the strength of our knowledge and expertise in producing Transport Assessments and Statements, we are often instructed to review and audit other consultants’ work, sometimes as a second-opinion, sometimes to support a planning appeal, or to advise on the soundness of a planning application.

If you would like to discuss how Connect Consultants can help you with Transport Assessments and Transport Statements, please contact Tim Britton.