We are very pleased to announce that both Ellie Crick and Tim Britton of our Transport Planning team have recently been promoted.
Ellie joined Connect in November 2022 as a bright and promising Graduate Transport Planner, and has quickly settled into the team, wowing us all with her enthusiasm and aptitude. She thoroughly deserves this recognition and is promoted to Transport Analyst.
Tim has been promoted to the position of Associate Director in our Transport Planning Team.
He has been with us for nearly six years, and has established a strong client base with interesting and varied projects. In his new role he will be taking more of a lead in the day to day management of the Team, and will be helping the senior management team steer the business as it looks to grow.
This promotion comes following our announcement earlier this year of the appointment of Geraint Jones as Director of our Highway Design Team.
Both of these senior appointments will support the company owners Nick and Colin, allowing them to focus more on business development, client liaison, and strategic direction.
Tim says, “We have a hugely dedicated and competent Transport Planning team, and I am really pleased to be taking a lead in the way we work, and to help with the future of the team and the company as a whole. I very much look forward to Connect’s future“
For Transport Planning enquiries, Tim can be contacted on tbritton@connect-consultants.com
For Highway Design and infrastructure enquiries, contact Geraint Jones on gjones@connect-consultants.com